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Kim Cums: Stap op en af ​​- rus

Op- en afstappies - Rust

  • Fotos, Solo

Wees gerus na elke staptog!

Ons hou baie van staptogte, maar na baie stap op en stap af we need some rest!

At the end of a long hike, there’s nothing better than taking in one last amazing view, and then sitting down at a picnic table for a final snack. After this particular hike, I popped up onto the picnic table and spread my legs wide. Perhaps you would like to snack on me while we rest?

For this hike, I wore a cute red mini skirt and a flow-y white crop top! If you like this outfit, you’ll probably like a lot of the other picsets on my website.

There are also two earlier picsets in the Hiking Ups and Downs series, so if you’d like to see more check out Up en af.

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